ILINX Retention Manager

Set-and-forget content policy management.

Technical Highlights

  1. Create policies for specific information and for your entire repository
  2. Manage information by age, custom metadata, and last accessed
  3. Support preservation via holds
  4. Delete or replace targeted information, including selected metadata
  5. Automated notifications when information is processed

Focus on policies, not complexities

Comprehensive records management requires the oversight of dedicated professionals. ILINX Retention Manager unifies all the tools you need to implement and enforce your organization’s information policies— without the overhead of a complex records system.

Manage information across formats

Your organization doesn’t just manage data from scanned documents. Word files, email content, and even audio/video files also need governance. ILINX Retention Manager works across all types using system and/or user-defined metadata to identify and control information.

Stay in control of dispositions

Disposition of some information cannot be done routinely—review and approvals are required. ILINX Retention Manager uses automated notifications to facilitate manual approvals. It audits every step of the process from start to finish.

Real-World Applications for Retention Manager

  • Accounts Receivable

    Automate the deletion of invoices and purchase orders based on age.

  • Public Records

    Easily manage disposition of public records based on department policies.

  • Staff Records

    Purge staff records based on rules you set – including employment status.